
DVJ Insights was founded from a passion for growth and research. To realise growth, research and analyses must provide insights into where growth is possible and which drivers for growth should be used. That’s why DVJ Insights focuses, more than other agencies, on:

D (Data Quality)
The Quality of market research and advice has come under more and more pressure. Quality is our priority. Quality in the process, the questionnaire, panel management, the reporting and the consultancy offered. We strive towards continuous improvement of our products and services.

V (Value Added)
Providing Added Value is crucial. How do you translate data to information and how does this information turn into value for a company? In our approach, added value is shown in the principles we use and fueled by the principles we use and the experience and expertise of our consultants.

J (Passion and Joy)
Passion and Joy are needed so we can put ourselves in the shoes of the client and their question, and thereafter want to do everything to find an answer for it. Our team consists of passionate professionals who like to share our learnings with the market.

Fulfilling this promise can only be done when listening carefully. To our clients, the broader market, the consumer and the academic world. That’s why we have integrated these values into our way of working and the way we work together. Listening enables us to continuously develop solutions which really help companies.

Brand Growth

Next to the insights from the academic world, it is important to keep a close eye on what’s happening in everyday life from a practical point of view. On the one hand, we do this by listening to our clients. On the other hand, we have taken listening a step further with the Brand Growth Platform. Within this platform we:

  • Annually conduct dozens of vision interviews with CMOs and CMIs. The most important results from these interviews are regularly published.
  • Annually conduct a large-scale quantitative study among marketers and insights managers across Europe. The focus of this study lies in learning what practice thinks is needed to grow.

The most important results of our studies are presented regularly during our Brand Growth Event and at other national and international events, which inspire and obtain in-depth insights into our studies. Of course, all our own learnings are integrated into our solutions. The Brand Growth Platform is active across Europe.


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In the first place, we carry out research to help our clients grow. A lot of projects we carry out lead to new ideas which we integrate into our solutions and help us understand even better how to answer all questions. Next to that, there are 2 elements which inspire innovation and development:

By carrying out research with our databases we can gather a lot of general learnings on why some innovations are successful, how advertising becomes more effective, why brands grow and why they don’t, and the way media can be optimised.

Own research 
Within DVJ, a lot of research is carried out. Research that is meant to understand the market better, develop new techniques or understand relations between different sources.

These two aspects lead to a lot of new insights which are used to optimise our solutions and way of working. These findings are regularly published or presented at congresses.

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The academic world plays an important role in the development of new products, the validation of new techniques and the increasingly intelligent analysis of data. Therefore, we have tied the academic world into our way of working:

Network of Universities
DVJ has an academic board of advisors with professors from the Netherlands, Germany, France and the UK. This gives us access to a network of professors who continuously use the data of DVJ to discover new insights.

Financing PhD positions
DVJ invests in the academic world and the development of talent through financing PhD programmes. As a result, more is learned from all insights from the academic world.

Academic integration of Center of Expertise
Our Center of Expertise has different people with a PhD background who all successfully implement academic insights into our way of working.

Through this academic focus, we are able to find better answers to our client’s questions.

Read the articles


DVJ has multiple strategic partnerships with organisations. These are used to provide even more added value and understand the growth challenges even better. A few examples can be found below:

Adformatie Groep
For years, Adformatie Groep and DVJ Insights in the Netherlands have been partners in research and insights with the “Grote Marketing Enquête”. Next to that, we regularly share research results and articles on the platform.

MOA – Daily Data Bytes
As a member of the MOA, DVJ Insights is an active knowledge partner of the Daily Data Bytes publication and regularly shares knowledge with the market through blogs, articles, and case studies.

Market Research Society (MRS)
As a company partner of the Market Research Society (MRS), DVJ Insights often shares insights and case studies at MRS events and webinars.

Media partners
Together with partners such as Jean Mineur, Talpa Network, DPG Media, NRC, and Bloomberg we continuously conduct research within the media profession. For example, we conduct research into the effect of branded content and cinema advertising. This enables us to compare these forms of advertising with other media.