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DVJ Insights strengthens itself with the assignment of Michèle van Waterschoot

Published on 20 12 2019

Utrecht, December 17th, 2019, DVJ Insights has assigned Michèle van Waterschoot to strengthen the international consultancy teams in the Netherlands and the UK. DVJ’s goal is to have one strong consultancy team operating from both the Netherlands and the UK. Michèle will mostly support the integration of both teams so they can cater even more into the needs of clients. The international Brand Growth Study DVJ conducted among almost 1.000 marketers shows that there is a need for learning from different markets. We have learned that there is the greatest need for one international approach that takes local characteristics into account.

Lucas Hulsebos, CEO DVJ Insights: “The results from our own study have shown there is a need for more integration and efficiency. Through the growth we have realised as a company it’s important to continuously adapt your organisation and organise it for the future. Assigning Michèle fits our development and next step we want to make. Where Michèle and DVJ meet is the believe that the foundation for growth lies in the development and involvement of all people without limitations of national borders. With Michèle we are hiring someone who can mean a lot in the further development of both the Netherlands and the UK, as well as for our other growth ambitions from next year onwards.”

Michèle van Waterschoot: “It’s great to be able to contribute to the development of a company I understand well when it comes to their background and admire when it comes to their growth. DVJ has an innovative vision on the market and a unique approach to clients. And I have always been intrigued by how DVJ manages to grow so fast. It’s great to see that this partnership comes from a shared conviction and I can strengthen the basis for further growth at DVJ by doing exactly what I want to focus on in this stage of my career: model learning, training and change management.”