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Every Step to the Sale
Decisions Decisions Buying the usual is easy. It’s autopilot. But buying something new? That’s work. You’re in the chilled drinks aisle,...
Adrian Sanger
10. März4 Min. Lesezeit

From Browsers to online buyers
Reducing Friction in Online Shopping Shopping online should be easy. You find what you want, click a few buttons, and it’s on its way to...
Adrian Sanger
19. Feb.4 Min. Lesezeit

The Great Retail Reset
New Year, All Change? Philip Kotler has long been a guiding voice in marketing, and his latest book, Redefining Retail, brings fresh...
Adrian Sanger
15. Jan.3 Min. Lesezeit

The Answer is in the Data!
AI in retail. It’s the shiny new toy every marketer is desperate to flaunt. Today, algorithms and predictive analytics promise to...
Adrian Sanger
10. Dez. 20244 Min. Lesezeit

AI on the aisle
You know that moment when you’re in the supermarket, staring at a sea of cereal boxes, and—without fail—you grab the same one every time?...
Adrian Sanger
6. Okt. 20246 Min. Lesezeit

Neue Möglichkeiten für Marken durch CEPs und die Steigerung des mentalen Marktanteils
Ziel des Projekts:  Viele bekannte Marken suchen nach Möglichkeiten, ihre Marke weiterzuentwickeln und ihren Marktanteil zu steigern. Oft...
DVJ Research Group
20. Feb. 20236 Min. Lesezeit
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