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Steffen Saemann - Tchibo

Forfatters billede: DVJ Research GroupDVJ Research Group

Tchibo, a prominent coffee and lifestyle retailer, has successfully implemented its full business model in Slovakia and Czechia, establishing itself as a market leader in both coffee and a leading brand in non-food retail. Known for its adaptable approach, Tchibo operates dedicated retail stores, an extensive webshop, and a network of depots in CZ as well as in Slovakia.

In this interview, Steffen Saemann, Marketing Director Tchibo in Slovakia and Czechia, shares insights into the brand’s growth strategies, the three realities of promotion, the importance of leveraging consumer insights, and the potential of AI in future campaigns, offering a comprehensive look into Tchibo’s ongoing evolution in Slovakia and Czechia. He is also co-leading the Evidence Based Marketing Academy (EBMA) to help marketeers to get a clear understanding of marketing’s contribution to business growth.

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